Great post John!

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This piece was both hysterical and insightful: kudos✊🏽

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Ya did it again. I've been attempting to explain this very notion, on why seeking truth and working towards freedom is a worthwhile pursuit despite the seemingly difficult path it forces upon the journeyman. I often ask, if nicer is better than kinder at times, and sometimes, I befall to the former. Yet, I'm always left with a feeling of unfinished business. Perhaps, using nice as a tactic can be a fruitful endeavor, to truly reveal my kindness in the end, to share the truth and provide a direction to freedom by finally explicating my thoughts once they're better prepared? In the end, Brandolini's Law is in effect, so how do we traverse the muddy waters? Thanks for sharing and once again giving a helping hand at how to verbalize this sentiment.

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Character > Content

Nothing like a good choke session to get the vibes flowing. Appreciate you taking the time to write and share. The need for sound, thoughtful voices, aka a stream of consciousness, in this specific domain is important and of profound value imo. Onward

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Toxic or not, no one likes a zealot, an evangelist or a proselytizer. Not in religion and not in any other exclusivist doctrine or ideology. Hatred and scorn is the lot of the particularist. Deal with it.

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